Amazon marketing strategy

The most important marketplace in Germany and you and your products are not on it? Then it’s about time! ROCKITdigital is your agency if you want support selling your products on Amazon.

Title: Amazon marketing strategy with ROCKITdigital
Description: Place your trust in Amazon marketing and reap the rewards in e-commerce: From SEO through to ads on Amazon – we improve the placement of your products.


Amazon marketing strategy

ROCKITdigital is your agency for marketing on Amazon!

Are you already one of the group of online researchers who use to get the information you want? That means: Isn’t it true that you don’t just use Amazon when you want to order a product online, but also when you want to get an overview of the price, product features, scope of delivery or experience of previous purchasers of a product? Is your answer “yes”? And do you intend to (continue to) present your products on Then you should avail of the services we can offer you as an Amazon marketing agency and invest in the best possible presentation of your products.

The measures that we summarized under the term “Amazon marketing strategy” make sense and are necessary for retailers for the following reasons:

  • Amazon is THE product search engine on the internet!
    A large and ever increasing number of internet users when searching for products is moving away from the generalist search engine Google and towards the new top dog among product search engines: Amazon.
  • Conducting a search on Amazon is done with the immediate intention to make a purchase!
    It is the case that both for searches that were started with the immediate intention of making a specific purchase, as well as those searches conducted for the purpose of collecting information to aid a purchase decision, is the platform used by the majority to conduct their search.
  • Potential customers must know about what you’re offering!
    The situation now is that there are approximately 220 million products listed on (status at the start of 2017) among just the TOP 20 categories, which means that you have a lot of competition. To ensure that Amazon users find the products you are offering, an optimized presentation with perfect allocations to the search terms and intention are necessary.

By the way: The number of listed products on, as well as the number of buyers and other types of users that use raise the platform to the position of being the most important e-commerce project in Germany.

Why should ROCKITdigital be your Amazon marketing agency?

We can describe this in a relatively compact fashion: The professional knowledge and experience that we have gathered through our online marketing can be transferred to tackle the tasks involved with Amazon marketing in Germany with just a few precise modifications being required. For many years now, we have been focusing on making our customers’ online projects visible within the framework of organic searches, meaning: optimizing search engines. The approaches that we developed in response:

  • Analysis of the actual state: Relevance factors as well as performance factors (please see Amazon SEO):
  • Determining the optimization potential
  • Implementing optimizations and regular adjustments
  • Measuring and reporting success

The approaches work best when it comes to finding the right lever for the creation of visibility and findability of products within the masses of products on We can transfer our knowledge from the Google cosmos to the Amazon world and we know all the factors required to be successful on Amazon; and we have prepared these factors for you in a clearly structured periodic table. Avail of our experience with all matters relating to online performance!

This makes up the Amazon marketing strategy

Due to the sheer volume of retailers – sellers and vendors – on, it has become indispensable to subject your offer to systematic optimization in order to reach the relevant Amazon visitors, or better: to get to the stage where Amazon users find the products you are offering. The following overview summarizes which possibilities are available to you in order to make your Amazon presence even more successful.

Amazon Marketingstrategie, Beratung Amazon
The Amazon Marketing-Puzzle © ROCKITdigital

An overview of our services and what we can offer you:

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